Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Left 4 Dead 2

I've been playing Left 4 Dead 2 lately on a fairly regular basis actually, just a little now and then when I need a break from other home work. Strangely it's been helping me keep in touch with my sister who lives abroad! Family bonding over zombie slaughter! Though I'm not very skilled at FPS games, the teamwork and cooperation aspect of the game makes it worth it. As long as my team mates don't mind having to carry a nub around! And don't mind getting shot now and then. A game with friendly fire enabled means no one is safe with me around! Especially with so many guns that allow me to adopt the 'spray and pray' technique! I've tried to take up the sniper role where possible, I always like using sniper rifles in games, though there's not really the perfect setup for it in a zombie game where you are often having to run for your life and don't have time to stop and aim. If you and your team loiter in one area for too long you're punished with a wave of zombies suddenly zerging you as well, called 'the horde'.
There are all the classic weapons though you'd want in a zombie apocalypse: shotgun, axe, chainsaw. Even a cricket bat (Shaun of the Dead anyone?) for our over the sea friends. I have to admit, there's nothing quite as cathartic and satisfying as standing in a narrow corridor with a chainsaw and letting the horde funnel themselves straight into the blade!

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